Earthquake preparation: is your go-bag ready?
With the abundance of disaster in recent months it is more important than ever to make sure you are ready. This means making sure you have all the necessities packed and ready to go on the move with you. Ready.gov has a basic emergency supply kit breakdown: Water – One gallon per person per day, minimum three day supply Food – Three day supply of non-perishable food Battery-powered radio, NOAA Weather Radio Flashlight Basic First aid kit Batteries Moist towelettes, garbage bags, plastic ties – personal sanitation Dust mask Basic tools Manual can opener Cell phone battery packs / cables Pet supplies In addition, you may want to beef up your kit with some non-essential items that can either improve your downtime or give you the ability to help others. These items range from having non-prescription medication, sleeping bags, blankets, eating utensils and extra clothing. You may not feel the need to have an emergency kit right now, but when disaster strikes it becomes too late! It is better to be prepared and not require your supplies than to need them and not have it. Depending on where you spend your time it may also be smart to have more than one kit ready to go. Home, work, and vehicle kits should all be handily available.